Dr Tomas R Reina


Head of the Catalysis Unit

Scopus ID:57219657151

CONTACT                                         t.ramirezreina@surrey.ac.uk         Tel: +44 (0)1483686597                 


Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH
United Kingdom

The Catalysis-Engineering Unit established in 2016 at the Chemical & Process Engineering Department in the University of Surrey is a multidisciplinary research group with a strong background in the synthesis, optimisation and application of advanced heterogeneous catalysts for energy and environmental applications. We are a young and enthusiastic team with a passion for catalysis research. 

Clean energy production carbon capture/utilisation, bioenergy and low carbon energy processes constitute our main research interests. We have a H2/CO2 lab for the production of bio-hydrogen syngas and fine chemicals using CO2 as a carbon pool. We design pioneering catalysts and nanoreactors based on metallic and metal-oxide nanoparticles, as well as yolk-shell structures with direct applicability in fuel processors and green chemistry.

Our team combines expertise in chemical engineering, physical chemistry, chemistry of materials and computational chemistry, which allow us to develop research at a fundamental level and transform  basic knowledge into real-world applications

Major Areas of Research 

- Catalysis for Energy and Sustainability

- Heterogeneous catalysis & Reaction Engineering

- Efficient routes for CO2 conversion

- Catalytic biomass valorisation 

- Oxidation catalysis

- New Catalytic Materials and Nano-Sized Catalysts

- Hydrogen production for fuel cells

- Heavy oil upgrading

- Catalysis in Supercritical Fluids

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